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ARM MAME, version 0.30.0, ported by Gareth S. Long
Last updated: (09 Jan 1998)
What is it?
Welcome to ARM MAME, the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. MAME is a large
modular emulation system which allows a relatively huge number of classic
arcade machine PROM images spanning several different games motherboard and
chipset types to be emulated and run successfully. The upshot is that you get
the chance to run original Arcade games *exactly* as they were; you *are*
playing the coin-op version, and no substitute. As a result, and rightly so,
MAME has generated a huge worldwide following, spawning tens of dedicated
web pages with hundreds of links relating to various aspects of MAME, from
ROM image addresses and screenshots, to technical information, to
reminiscences from people who mis-spent almost their entire youth and some
way beyond in a dingy chipshop playing pacman, or who were beaten to within
an inch of their lives by an angry cafe owner for breaking a Robotron 2084
joystick, or something.
MAME is the largest emulation project currently in existence, many people
having contributed drivers, information, etc, towards it's development. MAME
is, as a result, constantly in a fluid state, usually undergoing 3-4 revisions
a month, each revision usually adding an average of 25 games to the 'supported'
This port is intended to provide all the functionality of MAME for RISC OS.
Where applicable, each of the features available to, say, MS DOS is available
for the RISC OS port too.
It's also a bit good.
The documentation for MAME should have arrived within this archive (as well
as a copy of the distribution license) - the MAME documentation is fairly
generic but has some DOS specific stuff towards the end. The RISC OS setup
instructions are given below.
What do I need?
Best results are obtained with a StrongARM based Risc PC. Sorry, but versions
of MAME for other machines are only really usable on a 486DX100 or similarly
specced machine, or above for some games. Having said that, ARM 710 users
shouldn't have much of a problem with most games. I am committed to making
MAME more usable on lower-ended machines. Honestly:
MAME will work on older machines, but the palette will be completely wrong at
the moment for reasons I will describe below. Expect this to change soon,
Picking up the game PROMs
These are fairly widely available via the internet. In order to use the games
legally, you should in theory own the original game machine boards (I do for
most of them, yes really :-) ) and you shouldn't just go picking them up via
sites like http://www.xs4all.nl/~delite/arcade_mame.html .. so I'm sure you
Organising MAME
This will change a great deal as frontends for MAME are developed and put
into play.. but for now...
Create a directory called MAME somewhere on your hard disc. I *strongly*
recommend that this directory be an image filing system archive (zipfile or
TBAFS archive will do nicely, as will a DOSFS partition.. public domain
utilities like X files etc also work well. You can even use StrongHelp to
archive the files inside a new StrongHelp manual). This allows you to use
more than 77 filenames in a directory, and also allows you to use filenames
greater than 10 characters, which some games need)
unpack the contents of the MAME archive into it.
Create two blank directories, called 'CFG' and 'HI', alongside the MAME
Unpack any games you have downloaded into directory names which match the
game name (like 'pacman','dkong' etc). These should be subdirectories within
your MAME directory. Your resulting directorystructure should look thus
(names in square brackets are directory names):
[MAME] (image filing system archive)
MAME (executable) MameVox [pacman] [invaders] [CFG] [HI] [... etc]
| | |
pacman/a invaders.e ...
pacman/b invaders.h ...
pacman/c invaders.g ...
... ... ...
To run MAME, set your current directory to that of the MAME image filing
system ardchive (double clicking on the provided SetDir obeyfile will do this
for you).
If you want sound, double-click on the SetVox obeyfile.
Ensure you have a large wimpslot set - drag the next slot so that it's at
least 1500K - games like Zaxxon will need as much as 4MBytes to run. Other games
will need more.
Press f12, then type 'mame <gamename>' (eg 'mame dkong', 'mame zaxxon' etc)
Some generic keys are:
3 Insert coin (pulse to coin mech 1, more specifically)
1 Start 1 player game
2 Start 2 players game
Tab Enter dip switch, key and joy settings, and credits display menu
Pressing TAB again returns you to the emulator, ESC will exit from MAME.
P Pause
F3 Reset
F4 Show the game graphics. Use cursor keys to change set/color, F4 to exit
F8 Change frame skip on the fly (60, 30, 20, or 15)
F9 To change volume percentage thru 100,75,50,25,0.
Keypad PLUS and MINUS change the volume with fine granularity
F10 Toggle speed throttling
F11 Toggle fps counter
F12 Save a screen snapshot
numpad +/- Volume adjust
left shift + numpad +/- Gamma correction adjust
ESC Exit emulator
Note that running mame with the '-cheat' option allows you to use the fairly
extensive cheat facilities available.
Remember that with MAME 0.28 and below, dip switch/key settings are *saved*
in the game directory as a */DSW and *.key (etc) files (MAME 0.25 groups it
all into a /CFG file)... You can remove these to reset to the defaults. Some
upgrades to MAME (particularly those up to 0.25) will necessitate the manual
removal of these files. Note that the generic ReadMe file always warns you to
do this. Warnings in this file will almost always also apply to the RISC OS
MAME 0.29 and above store the CFG and HI files in their own directory,
alongside, but separate from the games directories, see the hierarchy chart
for where to put these two blank directories - they will become filled as you
play more games.
Have fun.
Other options
MAME takes a veriety of options other than just the game name. All the
generic MAME options are supported, all the applicable DOS options are
supported, and there are a few RISC OS specific ones. These are as follows.
-320 tell MAME to use a vesa 320x240 video mode
-512 same as above, video mode is 512x384
-640 same as above, video mode is 640x480
-800 same as above, video mode is 800x600
-1024 same as above, video mode is 1024x768
-1280 same as above, video mode is 1280x1024
-1600 same as above, video mode is 1600x1200
-XxY where X and Y are width and height (ex: 800x600) (not yet implemented)
-vsync synchronise video display with the video beam instead of using
the timer. This works best with -noscanlines and the -vesaxxx
modes. Use F11 to check your actual frame rate - it should be
around 60. If it is lower, try to increase it with -vgafreq (if
you are using a tweaked video mode) or use your video board
utilities to set the VESA refresh rate to 60 Hz.
Note that when this option is turned on, speed will NOT
downgrade nicely if your system is not fast enough.
-rotate No longer supported by any MAME.
-nojoy don't poll joystick (not really needed with RISC OS)
-log create a log of illegal memory accesses in ERROR/LOG
-list display a list of currently supported games
-help, -? display current mame version and copyright notice
-list display a list of currently supported games
-listfull display a list of game directory names + description
-listroms display selected game required roms
-listsamples display selected game required samples
-mouse enable mouse support
-trak enable trackerball emulation support
-frameskip n skip frames to speed up the emulation. For example, if the game
normally runs at 60 fps, "-frameskip 1" will make it run at 30
fps, and "-frameskip 2" at 20 fps. Use F11 to check the fps your
computer is actually displaying. If the game is too slow,
increase the frameskip value. Note that this setting can also
affect audio quality (some games sound better, others sound
worse). Maximum value for frameskip is 3.
-ror rotate the display clockwise by 90 degrees.
This implies '-vesa -800x600' if not specified otherwise
on the command line. It also provides authentic *vertical*
scanlines, given you turn your monitor to its side.
A monitor is a complicated, high voltage electronic device.
There are some monitors which were designed to be rotated.
If yours is _not_ one of those, but you absolutely must
turn it to its side, you do so on your own risk.
-ror rotate the display clockwise by 90 degrees.
-rol rotate display anticlockwise
-flipx flip display horizontally
-flipy flip display vertically
-ror and -rol provide authentic *vertical* scanlines, given you
turn your monitor to its side.
-cheat Cheats like the speedup in Pac Man or the level skip in many
other games are disabled by default. Use this switch to turn
them on.
-voices <n> use <n> channels for RISC OS sound. Values are: 1,2,4 and 8.
-doubley use scanline doubling (useful if MAME is pickking a mode which
'letterboxes' with your monitor type - MAME will pick a larger
mode but stretch the video image in the Y axis.
-gappy This is only useful with -doubley. This gives 'gaps' between the
doubled-up scanlines to give a more authentic effect.
-hz <freq> Force only monitor definitions conforming to <freq> freqnecy.
Find something else if it can't find that freqency for the
given resolution. Default, or -1 is Wolverhampton
female on a Friday night.
-fm/-nofm (default: -nofm) on other systems, this means 'use the SoundBlaster
OPL chip for music emulation in some games. This would be faster,
with less faithful emulation, but we don't have soundblaster OPL.
-romdir specify an alternate directory where to load the ROMs from
-normalrefresh (default)
These allow direct screen access (or bankswitched direct screen access)
instead of the usual MAME blit technique (-normalrefresh), thus speeding
the game up a little on slower systems.
This will not work with some games, however, and banked/directrefresh are
best used in conjunction with -vsync.
-vg is no longer supported. It's now the default when using
vesa for vector games.
-aa/-noaa (default: -noaa) use some crude form of anti_aliasing for the
vector games.
-cheat Cheats like the speedup in Pac Man or the level skip in many
other games are disabled by default. Use this switch to turn
them on.
-debug Activate the integrated debugger. During the emulation, press
tilde to enter the debugger.
-record nnn Record joystick input on file nnn.
-playback nnn Playback joystick input from file nnn.
-savecfg save the configuration into mame.cfg
-ignorecfg ignore mame.cfg and start with the default settings
Unless you specify otherwise, MAME will attempt to pick the correct display
resolution for you given your monitor type, and choose the next nearest if
that fails. Most games require 224x288. holding down CONTROL during startup
will allow you to see some of the diagnostic messages giving information on
what mode MAME found suitable.
On a Risc PC, you can define your own modes using !MakeModes to make the best
use of your monitor.
The best method of setting up perfect modes for MAME are as follows:
1) Get a copy of something like !MakeModes, !CustomVDU or whatever, from any
good Acorn-related FTP site (!MakeModes is available from ftp.acorn.co.uk).
2) Define a mode of either the exact size you need (eg 224x288) or one with
*twice* the Y resolution so that you can use -doubley (and -gappy if you
like) - modes defined this way are likely to have a lower refresh rate and
might perform a little better.
It doesn't take an experienced modesman to define up a mode that'll work fine
with your monitor type - just fiddle with a resolution reasonably close to
what you're aiming for. Pass your examples of professional modesmanship to me
and I'll include them with the MAME distribution, I shall provide some
ready-made monitor definition files I've defined for common monitortypes
Palette is wrong on non Risc PCs. The reason for this right now is simple -
the generic MAME code expects to assign specific colour numbers with specific
R G and B values. This works the other way round to non Risc PCs fixed
palette system where the best you can hope for is to return a colour number
for a given R, G and B entry. (so, for example, MAME may say 'I want colour
24 to be dark blue' wheras with older machines, all you can do is 'give me
the colour number nearest to what dark blue is'). Similarly, Williams
Electronics games expect to be able to define any colour to any value at any
Sound may not yet be perfect. Let me know of any problems you might find.
If you do get any abnormal crashes, it's always best to re-run MAME (just use
MAME -vsync or something) and then quit MAME again when you're at the copyright
screen. This ensures that the sound system (etc) code is reset properly so you don't
get any nasty problems on return to the desktop,
It is *very important* you don't mix and match your
MameVoices/DACSupport/DigiPink module with different versions of the MAME
executable. Newer versaions of MAME will tell you you're being bad.. older
versions will cause cause nightmares of near biblical proportions.
Other information can be found in the ChangeLog below.
Contact Details
Latest versions of MAME are available from:
I'll try to upload the latest version of MAME to Arcade BBS as well. More
than anything I'll try to post messages too. And yes, I can see what you are
saying.. I'm omnipresent, I am...
gatch@elecslns.demon.co.uk (home)
gareth@maygay.co.uk (work.. I can check work from home and vice versa)
gatch@maygay.co.uk (etc)
Gareth S. Long (or 7), user #7 on Arcade (0181 654 2212/0181 655 4412.. it's well
More information is available on the RISC OS emulation mailing list.
To subscribe, send a message *TITLE* of 'SIGNON emulator-l' (that's a lower
case L) to maillist@elecslns.demon.co.uk. It's a low volume list.
Things I Want To Be Knowing About
Let me know if you have any problems at all. Well.. first of all consult the
MAME FAQ or the generic documentation - there's a good likelihood any game
problems you are having aren't related specifically to the ARM version. For
example.. Gorf does not work!! It doesn't work on any other version of MAME
either. The generic readme files tell you exactly what games run and what
games don't, and what games need .sam sample files alongside the ROM images
in order to get sounds. If any games do behave different with the RISC OS
version, then I want to sort it out.
If (when? :-) ) you do get problems with the ARM version, I can be contacted
at the above addresses. Please give as *much* information about any crashes
as you can.. like, for example, any screen output generatedm, machine and
processor type, RISC OS version, the type of FS you store your ROM images in,
amount of memory you're allocating to MAME, etc.. Also, when I do something
about it, please let me know if the result worked!!! There is *nothing* worse
than someone telling me it 'crashes sometimes', I dig the details out of
them, provide feedback, and they never send a response back letting me know
if my changes worked or not, so I have to chase them up again. Similarly
people who say 'oh this version seems a bit slower' - with well over 300
games and a million different configurations, this comment is effectively
useless to me.
I'm interested in any ways it can be improved, and I'm sure there are
millions of them, in addition to trying to find out why women manage to go
through so much more toilet paper, or why some like to order a pizza with a
specific topping, only to peel the topping off because they like the taste
the topping leaves on the pizza, but not the topping itself. Or why Pringles
last about a year longer than normal crisps. I'll always try my very best to
I will try to port the latest MAME sources as soon as I possibly can.. this
seems to mean within a day or two of it being released at present..so far
I've managed to get RISC OS releases of MAME out quicker than Mac and Amiga
versions for quite a while.
All the people working on MAME, front ends etc.. :-)
Michael Borcherds, for help with what will become the TurboMAME module.
To Do
'Acceleration' of vector graphics.. this is something other ports don't have yet
(which surprises me)
-desktop operation.
The TurboMAME module, which,when loaded, provides alternative 6502 and Z80 emulation
for RISC OS MAME, speeding it up somewhat and making it much more usable on non
StrongARM based machines.
07 Jun 1997 (MAME 0.23)
Started. Came in late from a nightclub. Sat down with pizza box. Got the MAME
code to compile and made a start on the operating system dependant stuff.
When I came to next morning, I found there was some kind of video support.
09 Jun 1997
Added keyboard support (buggy). First release made available to a few people.
11 Jun 1997
Started on the sound code. Sorted out some keyboard issues.
15 Jun 1997 (MAME 0.24.0)
Notice 0.24 MAME sources are available, so grafted them in. I'll always try
to ensure ARM MAME uses the absolute latest MAME source available.
22 Jun 1997 (MAME 0.24.1 extreme beta)
First version with limited sound support. Limited as in it doesn't actually
work very well at all. Words cannot describe how much the sound system is
annoying me. I have to work with sound tables as small as 16 bytes. It's
24 Jun 1997 (MAME 0.24.1 beta 2)
Sound is improved a little. Not that much, though. Certainly not enough.
Damn. better screen mode selection code (well.. it's got mode selection
code). This actually works well, though you're bets off defining some modes
as old arcade machine resolutions are a little B'zarre.
The problem with setting DIL switch options via TAB, and cycling game
graphics/colours has been fixed.
26 Jun 1997
Stuff was done. Lots and lots of it. Also, I got round to doing some things
too. I wondered if the things would get in the way of the stuff, but
thankfully I seemed to manage both. I must have too much time on my hands or
something. Anyway, the collection of things and stuff included:
Scanline doubling support!
Gapped scanline doubling support too.
Game graphics are now centralised within the mode if the mode is larger than
the games' resolution.
Sound should be a lot better :-) (woohoo) Still not right though (D'oh)
I wrote some documentation. It'll be the stuff you're reading right now. You
lucky, lucky people.
29 Jun 1997 (0.24.1 beta 3)
More work on sound, it should at least play on systems now. Let me know if it
The invaders/h problem has been worked on. All game PROMs should now be
converted whether they are given names like invaders.h, invaders/h or
h.invaders. Lahvly. In theory.
01 Jul 1997
Made mode selection less fussy (IE it won't give up on a resolution if it
can't find it at the ideal framerate any more)
Improvements to sound
Williams Electronics Driver colour cycling implemented - this wasn't done
before because the code to drive the DOS version directly isn't really in the
right place in the MAME source (in the operating system dependant part of the
code), and I was hoping it would be fixed in 0.25 but it wasn't.
02 Jul 1997
Merged in 0.25 MAME sources.
Sound is better...
Sorted so all the erroneous osdependant stuff hanging around in the MAME
source code is worked through to my RISC OS stuff..
Because the vsync rate is so high in some monitor def files, I added the -hz
option so people can force a specific frame rate for now (dropping to another
mode if it can't get it) this is because constantly waiting on vsyncs which
are happening all the time (when there's little backtrace time to do anything
else) slows games down somewhat. The fix is really to try to define lower
frame rate mdf's if you can, or define a double-height mode and use the
-doubley option.
05 Jul 1997
Linked with updated C library. This at least changed the problem people were
having with inability to load game files.
08 Jul 1997
Turns out the above game directory search failiure is down to a bug in either
the OS, FS or library code. It's hard to find as only 3 people to my
knowledge have the problem and I can't for the life of me repeat it. Anyway,
let me know what this one does, as I should have worked around it.
Sound is now much improved.. no, really (!)... sound streaming also supported
so a *lot* more games now have sound, especially if you've picked up the .sam
files to go with the ROM images.
-doubley won't give up so easily finding a double Y res mode, so exceptions
shouldn't happen here anymore.
Overall volume setting implemented.
Mouse control implementation has begun.
11 Jul 1997 (0.25.3)
Linked with a completely different library. Executable should now be a few
hundred K shorter and a bit faster, and I believe all the name problems have
finally gone.. whopee.
To get your images in order, just ensure names like pacman.6e are copied
as pacman/6e - that's it. Easy, huh? All archive filings systems will do that
for you as it's standard.
16 Jul 1997
Got 0.26 sources. Ported. Found 0.26 sources had problems...
17 Jul 1997 (0.26.0)
Okay.. 0.26 is basically fairly shagged. The problem appears to be memory
corruption within the MAME code itself (d'oh) - it's apparently with the PC
version as well, so it appears I am not to blame (woohoo/d'oh).
All I can say is you'll find some things work better than before, the new
games supported seem to work okay, but some won't play at all at the moment.
For this reason I've included the mame025 too - sorry! I'll fix it as soon
as I know what is happening, but I suspect there will be a quick rerelease of
MAME. Bear in mind that as I type this, only RISC OS and PC versions of MAME 0.26
-nosound has been added.
A bug was fixed in the sound support (some samples will no longer erroneously
repeat like they were doing in MAME 0.25).
18 Jul 1997 (0.26.1)
A bugfix release of MAME 0.26 (0.26a) was released and I ported this version across..
This version works, supports one or two more games than 0.26 did, and fixes colours
with some games.
Pacman pitch is different - note that this is due to a change in the generic MAME
sources though there have been some slight sound changes by me recently.
20 Jul 1997
Tested and released. In theory any remaining keyboard problems have been
sorted out.
Please note that the generic source for version 0.26.1 of MAME is still not
correct - this has been experienced by PC users (the only other version of
MAME 0.26 right now is the PC version) - games like Pengo and Yie Ar Kung Fu
are experiencing the same problem as with 0.26.0.
Also, for some games, you are recommended to use the -nosound option - the
generic code for 0.26 seems to be hanging at the point where it's supposed to
generate wave forms to play - to get out of the hang, alt-break and then
rerun mame and then exit in order to clean up the sound system.
I am awaiting a newer bugfixed version of MAME 0.26 to port.. :-)
07 Aug 1997
Work on newer sound system - designed to take what I've got so far and
generate a more unified SoundBlaster-style API for RISC OS. Once I've grafted
this in, all remaining sound problems should be cleared up.
11 Aug 1997 (0.27.0)
MAME 0.27 arrives at last :-)
Ported across. There is a lot more I want to do as I have finished my other
changes. Essentially I am releasing this to get any major bug problems so I
can try to fix them at the same time as grafting the new sound system in.
If you are having problems with hanging with some games, *RMKill MameVoices
before running the emulator.
-vg not implemented yet.
12 Aug 1997
-vg implemented. Vector games seem to run very nicely in 800x600 or even
1280x1024 modes.
15 Aug 1997
New Sound module! It works extremely well so sound in everything is
significantly improved.
The sound module is actually a very cut down version of the new sound API I'm
developing, as RISC OS sound support has started to become the bottleneck for
RISC OS MAME at the moment. My sound system will allow for 32 channels with
mixing, Each channel can have it's own frequency, waveform, volume, and
looping points. It has support for 8 and 16-bit sound systems, and optimises
itself towards the system in use.
The system is a sharable resource and I shall be using it myself for future
projects. I shall release the API to other developers when it's further
Put back the Williams video driver hardware palette change optimisation which
was missing from MAME 0.27.0 (I hadn't noticed they'd correctly
conditionalised hardware palette availability at compile time at long last,
rather than #defining MSDOS_ONLY in the Williams video hardware emulation
file for hardware palettes - which is why very early versions of MAME had
broken palettes for Williams stuff. Williams driver is now, as a result, back
to pre-2.7.0 speeds again.
20 Aug 1997
Added additional optimisation to Williams driver (IE RISC OS is nearer the
Win32 DirectX5 model, so now only one screen blit is needed, not 2 (like
DOS) or 3 (like Unix). Williams drivers are now extremely fast.
21 Aug 1997
Minor tweaks to streamed sound.
Mouse support is now working. This behaves in the same way as the DOS/Win32
Overall volume control works fully.
22 Aug 1997 (MAME 0.27.1)
Trackerball emulation support added (-trak) - makes Missile Command
infinately more playable :-)
25 Aug 1997
Started work on two new refresh algorithms, -directrefresh and
-bankedrefresh, allowing direct screen access (or bankswitched direct screen
access) instead of the usual MAME blit technique, thus speeding the game up a
little on slower systems. This will not work with some games, however.
09 Sep 1997
MAME 0.28 source acquired and ported across. This includes the new MAME 68000
simulation core.. unfortunately, under ARM, this is
sloooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooow, to say the very least. The biggest problem is
that the 68000 is bigendian, and works with halfwords (as we know them in the
ARM world - ie they are 16 bits).. later ARM architectures allow halfword
stores (woohoo!) but IOMD(+)/7500FE does not (d'oh!). We're lucky to have an
inexpensive barrel-shifter, as the emulator uses it as if it's going out of
fashion. Most of the time it's taking a trip into
I found the problem with sounds with some games under RISC OS (and other
versions but it only really appeared with the RISC OS version). Basically the
PSG AY-3-8910 sound generator was partying on down with the memory map with
the fervour of a Cwmbran Nurse. I'll reflect my changes back to the other
MAME-type people, but I suspect I still have some work to do here. In fact, I
definitely do, as this chip emulation is also the reason behind some games
appearing to 'lock' if sound is enabled.
10 Sep 1997 (MAME 0.28.0)
Tidied and released.
The executable size is up by around 600K as a result of the changes made to
0.28. The inclusion of the 68000 emulator should result in an explosion
of extra games supported very soon.
15 Sep 1997
Found a problem with speed throttling under RISC OS - IE it doesn't work.
Basically, ARM MAME has been running too fast and without throttling until
now. The problem is due to RISC OS by default not providing a timer with a
greater resolution than 100 ticks a second. Correct speed throttling requires
a millisecond timer which I have to implement myself when I have the time
(and I'm very very busy with other projects at the moment I'm afraid...)
Speed throttling is now implemented which means games run at the correct
speed. To return to the speeds you're probably used to by now, turn speed
throttling OFF.
Actually, speed throttling won't be quite perfect until I implement a
millsecond timer, the lack of accuracy in the centisecond timer means that
you'll end up being just under or just over 100% speed (the little 'gaps' it
fills in by waiting in order to throttle the speed can be much smaller than a
23 Oct 1997 (MAME 0.29.0)
Sorry if this one appeared relatively late (48 hour wait.. sorry ;-) ).. I'm
currently up to my eyes in another project at the moment and ported this for
stress relief..
Actually this one was quite complex to port due to the large numbers of
changes going on at source level - there are however a lot of generic
enhancements in this release.
Slot size is up again I'm afraid - there's another processor (6808) being
emulated too, bringing the total amount of currently emulated processors to
Executable size is around 1600K.
31 Oct 1997
03 Nov 1997 (MAME 0.29.1)
Problems fixed within MAME which now result in significant improvement of
graphical quality in some games (specifically we were falling foul of the
word-alignment problem with ARM loads and stores, or halfw*rds but I don't
even want to begin to talk about them).
Games such as StarForce, Rastan, tp84, Kangaroo etc now look far far better, and
don't suffer the effect of.. well, nonaligned data loads being blitted to memory
and doing all sorts of strange shimmering effects when you move, like some kind
of shimmering strange effects-sort-of-thing.
I've also finally got in touch with Mirko Buffoni (the MAME co-ordinator and
also a very very very nice and enthusiastic bloke) to get some of the ARM
version changes necessary merged into the generic MAME sources... this should
save time for me in the future.
A similar word-alignment problem has been fixed with the 68000 driver.. so
Rastan works agaiu and at twice the speed it was before.
The MAME executable has been Squeezed.. This knocks about 900K off it during
10 Dec 1997 (MAME 0.29.2)
Recompiled with CLib again, UnixLib seems to be causing random file opening
problems with some people, probably down to something underlying in RISC OS.
Correct whatsnew/txt etc files.
Mame is no longer squeezed - I remembered why I didn't do it in the first
place now, it adds to the size of the archive, and, as I recommend storing it
in an archive anyway, it just causes an increase in space taken for most
Some other minor bits and pieces tweaked.
Placed the whole lot in a more ready-to-run directory structure.
14 Dec 1997 (MAME 0.29.3)
Lots of little fixes:
Implemented dirty buffering for this release. This speeds some games up (more
in the future) significantly. A nasty bug in ARM GCC had stopped me being
able to do this before (ARM GCC sometimes doesn't store registers on the
stack with some functions, and you can end up with BL ... followed by MOV
Dirty buffering will probably improve further in the next release.
Found the problem with sound hanging with some games (eg Star Wars, Missile
Command, Centipede, Asteroids Deluxe); it was the POKEY emulation doing
non-word-aligned 32-bit loads and stores.
Mouse positioning problems fixed.
08 Jan 1998
MAME 0.30 source finally arrives.
Fixed very minor bug in pokey sound generation introduced when I cleaned it
up for ARM word alignment in December. This improves sound in a few cases.
-320 was setting the wrong display mode. Oops.
09 Jan 1998 (MAME 0.30.0)
Tidied in preperation for release. Config loading and saving to a file will
be disabled in this release until I get some more feedback from frontend
authors so we can use a file format which makes everyone happy. It'll
probably end up as a textual keyword file.
The distribution archive now contains some cheat codes for the cheat system.
Anti-Aliasing now working with the vector games. Anti-Aliasing is
automatically turned on with high resolutions; you can use -noaa to turn it
There has been a fantastic deal to do this time, I've tried a lot of games
and they worked.. I could not test all of them to say the least. Please let
me know of any problems. I know I have a lot to do as far as sound is
concerned, this will be my next task.
Executable size is around 2360K now.